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Customizing built-in evaluator

Extending an evaluator

Javaluator comes with a basic set of common operators, functions, constants and brackets. If you need more, you can add your own.

In this example, we will add a new function: sqrt (square root)

First we have to create the Function instance. This instance describes the name, and argument counts of the function.

// The function has one argument and its name is "sqrt"
Function SQRT = new Function("sqrt", 1);

When creating the evaluator, we'll have to inform it that there is an extra function.
This is done by passing a parameters argument to the DoubleEvaluator constructor.

// Gets the default DoubleEvaluator's parameters
Parameters params = DoubleEvaluator.getDefaultParameters();
// add the new sqrt function to these parameters

We now have to extend the DoubleEvaluator class in order to implement the new function.
This is done by overriding its evaluate(Function function, Iterator arguments, Object evaluationContext) method.

// Create a new subclass of DoubleEvaluator that support the new function
DoubleEvaluator evaluator = new DoubleEvaluator(params) {
  protected Double evaluate(Function function, Iterator arguments, Object evaluationContext) {
    if (function == SQRT) {
      // Implements the new function
      return Math.sqrt(arguments.next());
    } else {
      // If it's another function, pass it to DoubleEvaluator
      return super.evaluate(function, arguments, evaluationContext);

The same kind of mechanisms apply to adding a new operator or a new constant.

You can add support for new kind of brackets in the expression by adding them to the parameters.

// Add square brackets [] to the list of supported brackets in the expressions

Here is a complete working sample code:

package com.fathzer.soft.javaluator.examples;
import java.util.Iterator;
import com.fathzer.soft.javaluator.DoubleEvaluator;
import com.fathzer.soft.javaluator.Function;
import com.fathzer.soft.javaluator.Parameters;
/** A subclass of DoubleEvaluator that supports SQRT function.
public class ExtendedDoubleEvaluator extends DoubleEvaluator {
  /** Defines the new function (square root).*/
  private static final Function SQRT = new Function("sqrt", 1);
  private static final Parameters PARAMS;
  static {
    // Gets the default DoubleEvaluator's parameters
    PARAMS = DoubleEvaluator.getDefaultParameters();
    // add the new sqrt function to these parameters
  public ExtendedDoubleEvaluator() {
  protected Double evaluate(Function function, Iterator<Double> arguments, Object evaluationContext) {
    if (function == SQRT) {
      // Implements the new function
      return Math.sqrt(arguments.next());
    } else {
      // If it's another function, pass it to DoubleEvaluator
      return super.evaluate(function, arguments, evaluationContext);
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Test that all this stuff is ok
    String expression = "sqrt(abs(-2))^2";
    System.out.println (expression+" = "+new ExtendedDoubleEvaluator().evaluate(expression));

The output is sqrt(abs(-2))^2 = 2.0000000000000004


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