

Table of contents:

Creating your own evaluators

Creating a complex evaluator

This chapter is not yet available ... but a working sample code is:

package com.fathzer.soft.javaluator.examples;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import com.fathzer.soft.javaluator.*;
/** An example of how to implement an evaluator from scratch, working on something more complex 
 * than doubles.
 * <br>This evaluator computes expressions that use boolean sets.
 * <br>A boolean set is a vector of booleans. A true is represented by a one, a false, by a zero.
 * For instance "01" means {false, true}
 * <br>The evaluator uses the BitSet java class to represent these vectors.
 * <br>It supports the logical OR (+), AND (*) and NEGATE (-) operators.
public class BooleanSetEvaluator extends AbstractEvaluator<BitSet> {
  /** The negate unary operator.*/
  public static final Operator NEGATE = new Operator("-", 1, Operator.Associativity.RIGHT, 3);
  /** The logical AND operator.*/
  private static final Operator AND = new Operator("*", 2, Operator.Associativity.LEFT, 2);
  /** The logical OR operator.*/
  public static final Operator OR = new Operator("+", 2, Operator.Associativity.LEFT, 1);
  /** The true constant. */
  public static final Constant TRUE = new Constant("true");
  /** The false constant. */
  public static final Constant FALSE = new Constant("false");
  public static class BitSetEvaluationContext {
    /** The bitset's length. */
    private int bitSetLength;
    public BitSetEvaluationContext(int bitSetLength) {
      this.bitSetLength = bitSetLength;
    public int getBitSetLength() {
      return bitSetLength;
  /** The evaluator's parameters.*/
  private static final Parameters PARAMETERS;
  static {
    // Create the evaluator's parameters
    PARAMETERS = new Parameters();
    // Add the supported operators
    // Add the default parenthesis pair
  /** Constructor.
  public BooleanSetEvaluator() {
  protected BitSet toValue(String literal, Object evaluationContext) {
    int length =((BitSetEvaluationContext)evaluationContext).getBitSetLength(); 
    // A literal is composed of 0 and 1 characters. If not, it is an illegal argument
    if (literal.length()!=length) throw new IllegalArgumentException(literal+" must have a length of "+length);
    BitSet result = new BitSet(length);
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      if (literal.charAt(i)=='1') {
      } else if (literal.charAt(i)!='0') {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(literal+" contains the wrong character "+literal.charAt(i));
    return result;
  protected BitSet evaluate(Operator operator, Iterator<BitSet> operands, Object evaluationContext) {
    // Implementation of supported operators
    BitSet o1 = operands.next();
    if (operator == NEGATE) {
      int length = ((BitSetEvaluationContext)evaluationContext).getBitSetLength();
      o1.flip(0, length);
    } else {
      BitSet o2 = operands.next();
      if (operator == OR) {
      } else if (operator == AND) {
      } else {
        o1 = super.evaluate(operator, operands, evaluationContext);
    return o1;
  protected BitSet evaluate(Constant constant, Object evaluationContext) {
    // Implementation of supported constants
    int length = ((BitSetEvaluationContext)evaluationContext).getBitSetLength();
    BitSet result;
    if (constant==FALSE) {
      result = new BitSet(length);
    } else if (constant==TRUE) {
      result = new BitSet(length);
      result.flip(0, length);
    } else {
      result = super.evaluate(constant, evaluationContext);
    return result;
  /** A simple program using this evaluator. */
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    BooleanSetEvaluator evaluator = new BooleanSetEvaluator();
    BitSetEvaluationContext context = new BitSetEvaluationContext(4);
    doIt(evaluator, "0011 * 1010", context);
    doIt(evaluator, "true * 1100", context);
    doIt(evaluator, "-false", context);
  private static void doIt(BooleanSetEvaluator evaluator, String expression, BitSetEvaluationContext context) {
    // Evaluate the expression
    BitSet result = evaluator.evaluate(expression, context);
    // Display the result
    System.out.println (expression+" = "+toBinaryString(result));
  /** Converts a bitSet to its binary representation.
   * @param bitSet A bit set
   * @return a String composed of 0 and 1. 1 indicates that the corresponding bit is set.
  public static String toBinaryString(BitSet bitSet) {
    // Converts the result to a String
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(bitSet.length());
    for (int i = 0; i < bitSet.length(); i++) {
    return builder.toString();

The output is

0011 * 1010 = 001
true * 1100 = 11
-false = 1111


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